Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Yarning Circle Meets Again

For one our regular meetings, we decided to meet at Knit New York. Although there were only three of us, I got a lot done with my project. I was getting confused with my stitches (as usual) and luckily, DivineLadi was there to help me! Below is a picture of her fixing one of my mistakes! I won't post any more pics of my shrug untill it is finished - I'm currently experiencing some technical difficulties! ;o) But at least now I'm doing it right. DL was working on a scarf for the fiance' using a really cool crochet stitch. It was coming along nicely, and she has probably already finished it - she's a pretty speedy knitter.

Current projects: My mom's poncho is on hold; I started my cable knit purse (YAY!), and I'm about to start the cropped crocheted sweater in the new Knit.1

Friday, February 03, 2006

My Favorite Project (of the moment)

Ok, so I've decided to post a picture of what I'm working on. Obviously, it is in the very early stages, but it will eventually be a shrug. The pattern called for a rib stitch - knit 2, purl 2. I mistakenly read the pattern to mean knit 2 rows and purl 2 rows. I considered frogging it, but then I realized that I think I might end up liking it.

I'm using the subject of my new infatuation, Noro Kureyon. I think it will turn out ok. From this picture, you can't even see my wonky ribbing, but it actually looks kind of cool. I'll keep you guys posted on how it comes along. I'm using small needles (which are the bain of my existence - give me a skein of anything that I can use size 13 needles on, and I am in heaven!) so this project may take some time. This will test my patience, but it will be worth it. Below is a pic of what it is supposed to look like. Forgive the flash, I was taking a picture of a picture.

I'm giving myself a goal of February 18th to have this finished. It'll be like a belated Valentine's Day gift to myself.

Other current projects: my mom's poncho, the earwarmer that I frogged and had to start over, and a pair of legwarmers for my sorority sister.