Saturday, January 28, 2006

Project Overload

Ok...first of all, I don't know why I'm up at this hour. But that is besides the point. I literally have four projects that I have started and aren't finished. When I first started knitting, I made a promise that I would only have two unfinished projects at any given time. So much for that! I even started a project, and binded off early because I was bored with it! And of course it came out looking kind of janky.

I should have learned my lesson.

It's just that there are so many different yarns, and needle sizes, and different stitches - it entices me, lures me in. I can't finish one thing fast enough before I flip through a book or magazine, and want to start a new one! Is this something that only neo-knitters experience? For the more seasoned knitters out there, I need guidance!

On a brighter note, I did pick up an unfinished project from October and finished it. That should count for something, right?

Sometimes, I don't even think I'm addicted to knitting...I'm just addicted to starting projects! Help!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Yarn4More the name of my beloved "yarning" circle. We met this past Saturday, and had a blast as usual. Don't get it twisted; we don't sit around only discussing stitches and patterns! We had some pretty intense conversation, and a great amount of laughs. AR hosted this month, and her place is hella cute!

We're called a yarning circle because some of us only knit, and some of us only crochet, and some of us do both. But we all use yarn, so we refer to ourselves as "yarners". Here are a few pics:

L working diligently on a new project... AR learning a new stitch!

AM starting and finishing a hat in twenty minutes! And the spread of food we had...after we finished it, of course!

All in all, me and my fellow knitsters had a great time, as we always do. Gives me something to look forward to every month.

Current projects: Well, I had to frog my earwarmer. :o( The good news is, I found a better pattern than my own freestyle version, so I'm starting over. With a different yarn and everything. I'll be done with my double textured scarf tonight, so I'll post pics when it's finished. I have also found the pattern for my very first sweater! I'll be starting that soon as well. Stay tuned!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Selling my stuff

So, I was out the other night, and of course, I was rocking my hat and scarf duo. For the record, I am still super geeked that I made something that I can actually wear! Anyway, someone approached me to make them one, and the offered to pay for it.

I didn't know what to say.

Is my stuff good enough to sell yet? I feel like I need a little more experience before I start capitalizing. I mean, God forbid someone ask me to make something that I don't know how to make yet! I might make him one for free to start, and then what kind of response he gets from what I made. You know, word of mouth. I don't know. I'll keep you posted.

Current projects: an ear warmer, two scarves, and a poncho. I'm going to try my hand at cabling on one of these scarves - pictures coming soon!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Able 2 Cable

That's right - today I taught myself how to cable! YAY! Below is a picture of a small swatch I made to practice.

What do you guys think? Not bad for a first-time cabler. Cabling was one of the things that was intimidating to me when I first learned to knit. A few weeks ago, I was watching an episode of Knitty Gritty, and a woman was cabling without a cable needle. It looked easy, so I decided to try it. It was a disaster, to say the least! One of my knitting mentors told me that cabling with a cable needle would be easier than what I had attempted. But I still managed to grasp the concept of how it is done. I went and purchased a cable needle, pulled out one of my knitting books, and the rest was cable history. I can't wait to try this new technique on a project!

Before my cable epiphany, my project of choice was hat and scarf sets, because I also recently taught myself how to crochet in the round. Here are a couple of my first projects:

I even made the little flower on the hat! I am getting better and reading and comprehending patterns, which is how I was able to create the hat and the flower. Of course, the scarves are just basic garter stitch, and on the orange scarcf I played with different yarns and textures - I used a little fun fur with the burnt orange.

Current project in needles: a double textured scarf and a poncho.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Welcome to my knitting blog!

Hi everyone! Finally got this thing started. I actually used a bit of a generic term - this blog is for more than just knitting. I also crochet, and have been trying to dabble in making soap. I learned to crochet about two years ago, and I've been knitting for a little over a year. I've been going steadfastly for about six months, only picking up every now and then before that.

I think I'm in love.

I can sit and knit/crochet untill my fingers cramp. I would consider myself to be an advanced beginner. I just recently learned to crochet in the round (I was running away from it for a while!) and I am currently learning to cable. I am thinking it's not as hard as it looks. We'll see. ;o)

Below I posted some pictures of some of my first projects:

More pictures to follow, but this is good for a beginning. Thanks for checking out my blog, and feel free to come back and check for updates!