Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I Finished The Shrug!!

Finally! It's finished. To be honest, I'm not that happy with it. One day, I'm gonna learn my lesson about trying to change patterns and use different yarn...but it could've come out a lot worse. Here it is:

Still not sure if I would wear it in public, but I love the colors and am just glad I completed another project. The neck is a little wonky - still not sure how that happened! I also did something funky with the seams on the sleeves, but you can't really see it. I'm done with shrugs for a while...I have two under my belt. I think my next project will be something felted, cuz I'm dying to try it. Since I started back making soap, I've also knitted a few dishcloths. They are easy and fun, and the pattern I found is really pretty. I'll post some pics of those soon...

Current projects: a cable knit purse - I came up with the pattern myself! And I bought the prettiest handles for it. We'll see how it turns out...